Scientific Sessions

Global Public Health 2025

February 01-02, 2025 | Online Conference

public health

Submit your abstract Today


When will the conference take place?

Global Public Health 2023 will be held during May 19 -20, 2023, Online.

Where will the conference be held?

Virtually from home or work

How to submit an Abstract?

Send us your abstracts as per the sample template in Abstract Submission page or you can directly email to conference Program Manager.

Where do I go to register for the Global Public Health 2023 conference?

You can register for the conference via our online registration form

Can I still participate without Submitting the Abstract?

Yes, you can participate as a Delegate for the conference without submitting any paper.

What language should I speak during presentation?

The working language of the conference is English.

Do you have any template for paper submission?

Yes, we have a template for abstract submission. Please go to abstract submission page.

May I submit more than one proposal?

Yes. You may submit more than one proposal and participate in more than one session either in oral or poster sessions. However, you may not present more than two papers during the conference.

For any queries please contact us: